Matthew Hill


Client Feedback

“He quickly got to the essence of the case, employing a pragmatic and provocative style.”




Qualifying as a CEDR accredited Workplace and Employment Mediator in early 2019, Matthew has already completed over 125+ mediations, conciliations, and adjudications, dealing with customer and individual complaints in the areas of building work, funeral arrangements, and high value items centred disputes.

Matthew is a member of both the mediation panel and the conciliation panel at CEDR and the Civic Mediation Council.

Mediation working methods: his mediation philosophy centres on helping both the plaintive and respondent move forward constructively and swiftly, from a state emotionally triggered frustration, to resolve the dispute working with a cleaner, simpler, and less emotionally charged summary of the facts, arranged in the form of an agreed timeline of undisputed events.

Matthew mediates referencing his commercial experience and his time in corporate executive leadership training, corporate consultancy, and executive coaching.

  • Boardroom – Neutral
  • Colleagues disputes
  • Commercial & Contract
  • Commercial Debt chasing
  • Consumer industries
  • Customer complaints
  •  Discrimination cases
  • Disputes & performance contracts
  • Disputes & performance contracts
  • Residential – Boundary
  • Workplace & Employment