Jeremy Connell

Mediator & Psychotherapist

Client Feedback

“He was very professional, was a wonderful listener and he built up trust very, very quickly”


Jeremy Connell is an exceptional mediator with a remarkable ability to handle cases charged with intense emotion. With 20 years of experience as a trauma and stress management psychotherapist, he draws on his extensive background in business, the U.K. Diplomatic Service, the legal profession, counselling, and coaching to facilitate effective dispute resolution. Jeremy’s cross-cultural skills, team-building expertise, and commercial awareness have contributed to his formidable reputation for enabling individuals and organizations to resolve conflicts successfully.

As a trained lawyer and psychotherapist, Jeremy’s diverse professional background equips him with a deep understanding of complex dynamics and the ability to navigate sensitive situations. His experience in education, discrimination cases, partnership and workplace relationship breakdowns, government affairs, police work, and special educational needs makes him a versatile mediator with a comprehensive skill set. Jeremy’s pragmatic and empathic approach, combined with his strong ability to manage highly charged emotional issues, allows him to build trust and broker deals that benefit all parties involved.

  • All types of discrimination
  • Central and Local Government/Civil Service
  • Education at higher and secondary level
  • Employment
  • Facilitation of strategic policy meetings
  • Partnership & Workplace relationship breakdowns
  • Special Educational Needs