CPR Administered Arbitration Rules for International Disputes
CEDR recommends that parties in international commercial arbitration use the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) Rules for Administered Arbitration of International Disputes.
- The Rules are an excellent way to provide for expeditious and economic proceedings.
- They reflect best practices, including the arbitration work of UNCITRAL, and effectively address current issues in international arbitration.
- The Rules also feature CPR’s unique and optional Screened Selection Process which enables parties to designate their party-appointed arbitrators without the latter knowing who chose them.
- CPR’s administrative fees offer certainty (see below). They consist of two components: (1) a non-refundable filing fee of US$1,750 and (2) a sliding scale administrative fee (not a percentage) based on the amount in dispute, capped at US$34,000, absent special circumstances. View the Schedule of Fees.
- Cases are administered out of CPR’s New York office by experienced multilingual attorneys. Cases can be filed with CPR – file a case. In addition, you now have the option to file cases with CEDR (email adr@cedr.com)
Read the Rules here
Read the model clauses and submission agreement
For more information about the Rules, visit CPR’s website
How to use this service
If your arbitration clause provides for arbitration pursuant to the CPR Administered Arbitration Rules for International Disputes or if the parties agree to submit an existing dispute to CPR international administered arbitration, follow these steps to commence your arbitration:
- Send your Notice of Arbitration to Respondent(s)
- File your Notice of Arbitration with CEDR (cpr@cedr.com) or CPR
For details on how to do this click here
- Send your Filing Fee
Simultaneous with the filing of your Notice of Arbitration, you must send a non-refundable Filing Fee of US$1,750. Contact CEDR’s Dispute Resolution Services for payment instructions and note that payment must be made in US dollars.
IMPORTANT: Failure to make payment may result in your file being closed (see Rule 3.3 of the CPR Rules for Administered Arbitration of International Disputes).
- Next step
Once an electronic copy of your Notice of Arbitration and your filing fee have been received, CPR will notify the Respondent of its time to deliver a Notice of Defence.
For any questions regarding filings, please contact adr@cedr.com
Pursuant to Rule 3.1
You must deliver your Notice of Arbitration directly to the Respondent(s).
The Notice of Arbitration must include the following:
- The full names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses for the parties and their counsel;
- A demand that the dispute be referred to arbitration pursuant to the CPR Administered Arbitration Rules for International Disputes;
- The text of the arbitration clause or the separate arbitration agreement that is involved;
- A statement of the general nature of the Claimant's claim;
- The relief or remedy sought; and
- The name, address, telephone number and email address of the arbitrator designated for appointment by the Claimant, unless the parties have agreed that neither shall designate an arbitrator or that the party-designated arbitrators shall be appointed as provided in Rule 5.4.
- At the same time as you deliver your Notice of Arbitration to Respondents, you must file an electronic copy of the Notice of Arbitration with CPR.
- An Agreement between CPR and CEDR enables you to file a copy of your Notice of Arbitration directly with CEDR at cpr@cedr.com.
- Any filing made at the above-referenced address (and acknowledged by CEDR) will be deemed to have been made to CPR under the CPR Rules for Administered Arbitration of International Disputes.
- CEDR will acknowledge receipt of your filing which will then be transmitted to CPR's New York office for further processing.