CEDR acts as the Administrator of Bonsucro’s Grievance Mechanism. The Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism is one of the ways that an individual or organisation, or even Bonsucro, may issue a complaint against a Bonsucro Member for a violation of the Bonsucro Code of Conduct, Bonsucro Standards.

CEDR is an independent alternative dispute resolution service provider with over 30 years’ experience in the ADR field.

What is the Bonsucro Grievance Resolution Scheme?

Having an effective Grievance Mechanism is essential for proactive compliance, risk management and remediation. It also demonstrates the credibility of Bonsucro to stakeholders, including ISEAL and the European Commission (EU RED accreditation).

Bonsucro wanted to take proactive steps to improve its Grievance Mechanism to align it with the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGP) on Business and Human Rights, Effectiveness Criteria.

The Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism is a formal process through which individuals and organisations may seek remedy from a Bonsucro Member for a violation of the Bonsucro Code of Conduct, Bonsucro Standards.

Further Information

The Grievance Mechanism follows a three-stage process as follows:

Stage 1 – Determination of Scope

All submissions are reviewed by CEDR and assessed for completeness and scope. If a submission is rejected on these grounds the applicant will have an opportunity to perfect any issues flagged and resubmit.

For further guidance on eligibility please see our Eligibility Checklist here.

Stage 2 – Mediation (optional)

Once CEDR receive all the relevant information the Complaint will proceed to mediation. Mediation is a flexible process conducted confidentially in which a trained neutral actively assists people and/or organisations to work towards a negotiated agreement of a dispute. Both parties are in ultimate control of the decision to settle and the terms of resolution. All mediations through the Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism will take place virtually unless otherwise agreed by the parties and additional costs are funded independently.

For further information on mediation click here. For further information on online mediation click here.

Stage 3 – Adjudication (only for Complaints which do not attempt or are not settled at mediation)

Where the case does not settle at mediation, then it will proceed to adjudication. After reviewing the Required Information, the Adjudicator, a third-party neutral, will issue a report determining if there was in fact a breach. This is communicated to the Bonsucro Board and posted on the Bonsucro website. If a breach is found, then the Adjudicator may also submit recommended actions for review and approval by the Bonsucro Board. Any amendments to the recommended actions will be indicated by way of a written addendum to the Adjudicator’s Report.

Further details concerning the origin and process for designing the Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism can be found here.

A copy of the Rules governing the Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism can be found here.

The Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism is a formal process and sits within a wider grievance and complaints ecosystem. Once you determined that your issues are within the scope of the Grievance Mechanism, please complete the application form here and provide your submissions together with any annexes.

To check on the status of a current complaint and for more information of Bonsucro’s reporting please see Bonsucro’s website here.

For more information on how the Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism works please see the following:

The Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism webpage
The Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism Rules
The Application Form
The Timetable
The Eligibility Checklist

Bonsucro Grievance Mechanism Panel Mediators

Please click on the Mediators profile below to read more information. 

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  • Baria Ahmed image

    Baria Ahmed

    Barrister & Mediator

    Client Feedback “Calm and constructive approach which oiled the wheels for the deal.” Overview Baria is a ...

  • Photo of Heather Allen

    Heather Allen


    Client Feedback “…calm and measured, and brilliant at dialling down the emotion between parties…” “A winni...

  • Sheila Bates


    Client Feedback “… as a mediator she builds trust remains impartial and concentrates on the issues to hand...

  • Michael Cover Image

    Michael Cover

    Solicitor, Arbitrator, Mediator and Adjudicator

    Client Feedback “Michael’s skills as a mediator enabled the ill-will that was evident at the outset to be ...

  • Dr Karl Mackie CBE, CEDR Founder & Mediator

    Dr Karl Mackie CBE

    Founder President

    Client Feedback “Handles complex commercial mediations in a seamless way … is clearly at the top of his ga...

  • Susanne Schuler

    Director of Training and Consultancy, Senior Consultant & Mediator

    Client Feedback “Susanne’s professional skills are head and shoulders above other practitioners. I was imp...

  • Felicity Steadman

    CEDR Faculty and Mediator

    Client Feedback “Her manner creates trust and confidence in her ability.” Languages English, Afrikaans Ove...

  • CEDR Mediator & Trainer, Wolf Von Kumberg

    Wolf Von Kumberg

    Arbitrator, Mediator

    Client Feedback “Well placed to understand the needs of business people.”   Languages English, German & It...

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