CEDR mediators successfully resolve 89% of disputes.

CEDR’s Workplace Mediation services are uniquely placed to address the emotional, reputational and financial issues which are at the heart of workplace disputes. Through the use of workplace mediation, parties to disputes are able to reach fair and productive settlements which allow employees to feel safe and businesses to continue to prosper.

CEDR’s workplace mediators are experienced in working with parties to Workplace disputes with varying levels of complexity.

Here are some examples of CEDR’s workplace mediations:

  • Bullying and harassment – A complex class action against a top executive resolved; coached the executive thereafter to adapt their behaviour as part of the settlement
  • Disputes relating to sex and race discrimination involving senior employees where the amounts in dispute exceeded £1.5m.
  • A dispute relating to a claim of wrongful and unfair dismissal, where there were several issues including termination, bonus entitlement and share options, where the amount claimed was in excess of £890,000.
  • A dispute in the charity sector between employees with allegations of racism
  • A relationship breakdown between a CEO and Deputy CEO impacting performance.
  • A sex and race discrimination case with £1 million claim in Professional Services involving a female employee returning to work following maternity leave settled.
  • A dispute regarding disagreement of an application of TUPE to decommissioned employees resulting in savings of £100,000 per annum settled.

Submit a request here and a CEDR Client Advisor will be in touch within 3 business hours.

CEDR's 12 Workplace Panel specialists are uniquely positioned to help you – find out more information about them below.

Feedback on our Panel

“Thank you for your assistance at short notice this week. For my part, you really added value.”
 – Senior HR Leader, Government Office

You challenged the parties- you are top of our list for any further mediations.”
– Head of HR, Banking Sector

"The individual clients in this case were very hostile towards one another and very difficult, the mediator dealt with the personalities very expertly."
– Head of HR, UK University

“It was really practical and you got the job done.”
– HR Manager, City Law Firm

Enquire here to discover more about how a CEDR Workplace mediator will help you in your Workplace dispute.

Download your copy of CEDR's Comprehensive Guide to Workplace Mediation.

This is tailored guidance for anyone who may require Workplace Mediation now or in the future. 


Workplace Mediation Guide

The Workplace Mediation Panel

CEDR has developed a specialist workplace mediator panel for this service. All workplace mediators are CEDR accredited and are appointed to our Panel in accordance with our Mediator Quality Commitments.

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  • Gillian Caroe

    Mediator & CEDR Faculty

    Client Feedback “Gillian has a natural ease and confidence in the role of the mediator and superb communication skills.”  Languages English, Italian Overview Gillian Caroe has been a practising mediator since 2004 (CEDR accredited 2005). Throughout her mediation career, she has been involved in hundreds of successful interventions. She has mediated disputes across a wide … Continued

  • Eve Pienaar


    Client Feedback “Excels on the commercial mediation stage and is commended for her great talent in de-escalating tension and refocusing the parties on the matter at hand”. Languages English, French, Spanish Overview Eve is a highly regarded commercial mediator, working across a range of commercial sectors including property and construction, professional negligence, shareholder disputes and … Continued

  • Eileen Carroll KC (Hon)

    Principal Mediator and Co-Founder

    Client Feedback “She settled the unsettleable” “She led the most effective opening session I have ever seen.” “She has a very unique, dynamic and proactive approach to mediation” Languages English Overview Eileen started her career in the international chemical industry before becoming a partner in the city law firm Turner Kenneth Brown (now CMS) where … Continued

  • Tracey Fox

    Non-Executive Director, Mediator, Coach, Facilitator

    Client Feedback “Incredible mediator. I was able to reach an agreement I am happy with and now have closure and I give a lot of credit to the way the session was run in allowing this. I would highly recommend mediation as a whole but especially Tracey as a mediator!” Overview Tracey is a transformative, … Continued

  • Lisa Drake

    CEDR Faculty, Mediator & Conflict Management Coach

    Client Feedback “Focused, energetic, committed and helpful right through the end.” Overview Accredited Mediator, executive coach and mediation and conflict management trainer, Lisa Drake has over 20 years of experience of mediation and conflict management. She is passionate about assisting parties to reach acceptable and workable solutions to enable all parties to focus on the … Continued

  • Emma Gooding profile

    Emma Gooding


    Client Feedback “Emma was superb, she was great with clients and handled the entire mediation process from start to finish in a professional manner. She was able to assist the parties to reach settlement, which in this case was no easy feat. I would highly recommend to others” Languages English Overview Emma became a CEDR … Continued

  • Fiona Colquhoun

    Principal Consultant & Mediator

    Client Feedback “Fiona understands and reads situations incredibly well. She was able to break down the conflict and issues into understandable and manageable chunks.” – Chambers Directory 2018 Languages English Overview Fiona Colquhoun is one of the most experienced lead mediators practising in the UK today. She has an excellent reputation for resolving disputes over … Continued

  • Image of Matthew Hill

    Matthew Hill


    Client Feedback “He quickly got to the essence of the case, employing a pragmatic and provocative style.” Languages English Overview Qualifying as a CEDR accredited Workplace and Employment Mediator in early 2019, Matthew has already completed over 125+ mediations, conciliations, and adjudications, dealing with customer and individual complaints in the areas of building work, funeral … Continued

  • Felicity Steadman

    CEDR Faculty and Mediator

    Client Feedback “Her manner creates trust and confidence in her ability.” Languages English, Afrikaans Overview Felicity Steadman is an experienced independent mediator having started her practice in 1989. She has mediated over 500 matters in that time. She mediates a wide range of disputes, including employment, workplace and commercial. She is based in Oxford. In … Continued

  • Frederick Way

    Mediator, Senior Consultant and Barrister (non-practising)

    Client Feedback “I would recommend Frederick without hesitation as one of the brightest and best mediators I have worked with” Overview  Frederick Way is a leading UK Mediator, Senior Dispute Resolution Consultant and Lead Trainer in Mediation, Negotiation and Conflict Management at CEDR. In December 2024, Frederick was named Civil/Commercial Mediator of the Year at … Continued

  • Shona Crallan profile

    Shona Crallan


    Client Feedback “Having you at the helm, a bastion of calm at the centre of this, has been hugely beneficial.” Languages English Overview Shona Crallan has two decades experience in litigation, corporate law, human rights law and policy. She has been a practicing mediator since 2017, managing and resolving disputes across a range of sectors, … Continued

  • Caroline Sheridan


    Client Feedback The “amenable” Sheridan “quickly establishes trust in mediations” and “doesn’t let the parties go off on a tangent” – Chambers & Partners Guide to the Legal Profession 2012 Overview Caroline Sheridan is a highly regarded full time professional mediator and executive coach from a financial services background. Over a number of years, she has successfully helped parties … Continued

  • Baria Ahmed image

    Baria Ahmed

    Barrister & Mediator

    Client Feedback “Calm and constructive approach which oiled the wheels for the deal.” Overview Baria is a UK qualified barrister, mediator, arbitrator and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) consultant and has worked in the field internationally since 2003. Previously the Head of CEDR Solve, the leading ADR services provider in Europe, and latterly having established her … Continued

  • Sheila Bates


    Client Feedback “… as a mediator she builds trust remains impartial and concentrates on the issues to hand and finds a solution.” Languages English, French Overview Sheila Bates is an international business and dispute resolution professional. She was accredited as mediator by CEDR in 2007. Her experience has been gained in HR, Workplace and Employment, … Continued

  • Neil Goodrum


    Client Feedback “He got to the nub of the issues very quickly and painlessly”  Languages English Overview Neil Goodrum is a full time mediator, CMC Fellow and member of CEDR’s Chambers panel of mediators. He has extensive experience in mediating disputes in many different industries with amounts in dispute ranging from relatively modest sums to … Continued

  • Susanne Schuler

    Director of Training and Consultancy, Senior Consultant & Mediator

    Client Feedback “Susanne’s professional skills are head and shoulders above other practitioners. I was impressed by her astute communications skills and her levels of cross-cultural awareness. I would recommend Susanne to those seeking an extraordinary professional who will deliver something powerful and resolve complex issues whilst respecting relationships.” – Client Feedback Languages English, French, German, … Continued

  • Dr Andrzej Grossman

    Principal Consultant & Mediator

    Client Feedback “Fair, forward-thinking and tenacious; he came across as a person of real integrity.” Client Feedback Overview Andy gained his CEDR Mediator Accreditation in 1996. He also undertook specialist facilitation training by the Massachusetts based, Public Conversations Project, is a certified Henley Business School coach and holds a Doctorate of Professional Studies in commercial … Continued

  • Chula Rupasinha

    Chula Rupasinha

    Mediator & Trainer

    Client Feedback “Chula brought a very high level of professionalism to the mediation and throughout displayed skills that enabled the parties to reach a satisfactory resolution.”  Overview Chula Rupasinha has had a long association with CEDR having been accredited as a mediator in 1999 as part of his work as an expert crisis negotiator. His … Continued

  • Jeremy Connell

    Mediator & Psychotherapist

    Client Feedback “He was very professional, was a wonderful listener and he built up trust very, very quickly” Overview Jeremy Connell is an exceptional mediator with a remarkable ability to handle cases charged with intense emotion. With 20 years of experience as a trauma and stress management psychotherapist, he draws on his extensive background in … Continued

  • Robin Somerville


    Client Feedback “Calm approach… finding solutions for tricky problems… exceptional… second to none… A really true professional” Languages English Overview Robin is a mediator specialising in shareholder, partnership, board, business, family business, commercial and technology disputes. He mediates, advises and acts as a mediation advocate, typically in respect of multi-million-pound business disputes. The largest to … Continued

Understanding Organisational Conflict Podcast

Listen to the podcast below from our BetterConflicts series which offers practical insight on how organisations can better handle conflict within the workplace. The Podcast, hosted by CEDR's Ben Thomson features Gillian Caroe, a full-time practising mediator on CEDR's Chambers Panel and part of CEDR's Training faculty.

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