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Marketing Yourself and Your Mediation Practice

Our MPD series offers newly accredited mediators ongoing support and encouragement through the first year of being a mediator.

1 days

GBP £0


So now you are CEDR accredited. What comes next? How do you get started as a mediator?

This module considers why commercial mediators are appointed and focuses on identifying how mediators can promote themselves locally and nationally using technology, networks and networking opportunities.

This session also considers practical ways to get experience as a mediator, such as by promoting mediation as a model of conflict resolution within an organisations.

What you will learn:

  • How to make your-self better known
  • Consider what marketing materials you may want or need
  • What your path to mediating more may look like
  • Ways to find your first mediations

Important information

This event is exclusive and free of charge for our MST alumni who have become CEDR Accredited Mediators in the past 12 months.

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