Apple EU Mediation Panel

The Apple EU mediation panel consists of experienced business-to-business mediators from across Europe who are trained in conducting online mediations.

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  • Anton Aleksandrov image

    Anton Aleksandrov


    Client feedback: “Anton was a very patient mediator and his diplomacy kept the conversation going even when I thought I would leave the table. I appreciate his polite way to focus on the important things, and make us see the situation from the outside. The most suitable word for his way of work is reliable.” … Continued

  • Sevdalina Aleksandrove image

    Sevdalina Aleksandrova

    Lawyer, Mediator

    Client Feedback: “Sevdalina was extremely helpful in keeping the focus on the important issues during the entire mediation. And when we were stuck, she just kept moving the discussion forward.” Languages Bulgarian, English Overview Sevdalina Aleksandrova is a mediator and lawyer with over 15 years experience, mostly in contractual disputes, commercial, real estate, and family … Continued

  • Ioanna Anastassopoulou image

    Ioanna Anastassopoulou


    Languages Greek, English, French Overview Dr Ioanna Anastasopoulou is a lawyer and accredited mediator by CEDR and the Greek Ministry of Justice. She is one of the first accredited mediators and mediation trainers in Greece and has actively promoted alternative dispute resolution as a founding member and President of the Hellenic Mediation and Arbitration Centre. … Continued

  • Frederico Antich image

    Federico Antich

    Arbitrator & Neutral

    Client Feedback: “Federico approaches the mediation process keeping in mind the human side of it, no matter what is the nature of the issues at stake. He is capable of digging out opportunities that parties do not even dare to consider. He is honest, impartial and straightforward, always committed to balance the benefits for both … Continued

  • William Aylmer image

    William Aylmer

    Republic of Ireland | Commercial Mediator

    Client Feedback: “He is a mediator of choice in respect of his knowledge, patience, commitment and integrity” Language English Overview William Aylmer has been a practising mediator for ten years. He was one of the founding members of the CEDR Ireland Mediator Practice Group and he is a Certified Member of the Mediators’ institute of … Continued

  • Maria Malo image

    Maria Bacas


    Client feedback: “The mixture of her consolidated knowledge and experience of the business and international environment, her global perspective, business-oriented along with her insight make her a mediator with strategic vision, creativity and ability to help solve problems rigorously, albeit with flexibility, respect and consistency, connecting multicultural and diverse people and teams. A trusted mediator … Continued

  • Balint Balassa image

    Balint Balassa


    Client feedback: “Balint listens and takes the time to understand both sides of the dispute. He is objective, fair and compassionate. These qualities and approach to mediation has allowed for an environment of trust where both parties to the conflict (with different power ranking) have been able to come together and work out a satisfactory … Continued

  • Stehen Barker CEDR Chambers

    Stephen Barker


    Client Feedback “His approach was very patient, measured and creative” “Mr Barker was astonishingly effective.” Languages English Overview Stephen Barker was a practising lawyer for 25 years before leaving private practice in 2012 to become a full-time commercial mediator. As a mediator, Stephen brings together his deep understanding of commercial litigation and arbitration with a … Continued

  • Photo of Stephen Bate

    Stephen Bate


    Client Feedback “Success was to a large extent due to the skill, expertise and persistence of Stephen. I would not hesitate to recommend Stephen as a mediator.” – Partner, London City Law Firm Languages English Overview Stephen Bate is a full-time CEDR mediator, CEDR-accredited and CMC-registered. Since 2003, he has mediated a very wide range … Continued

  • Sheila Bates


    Client Feedback “… as a mediator she builds trust remains impartial and concentrates on the issues to hand and finds a solution.” Languages English, French Overview Sheila Bates is an international business and dispute resolution professional. She was accredited as mediator by CEDR in 2007. Her experience has been gained in HR, Workplace and Employment, … Continued

  • Soriana Constantinescu image

    Dorothee Bernard


    Client feedback: “It was easy to talk with Dorothée all along. She helped us, amongst other thing, to re-open the dialogue between our head of office, our new line manager and our 10 years experienced agent.  She helped us preserved the relationship, which in turn helped us  to take the right decision for all. Her … Continued

  • Vanja Bilic image

    Vanja Bilic


    Languages Croatian, English Overview Vanja Bilic delivers a quality mediation service, with 34 years of experience as a judge (in civil cases at Municipal court), private lawyer (in his office), assistant minister (in Croatian Ministry of Justice), arbiter, and mediator. Focused on alternative dispute resolution last 17 years. Certified mediator and arbiter, trainer for mediators. … Continued

  • Corina Bolsteri featured image

    Corina Bölsterli


    Client feedback: “Built good rapport.” “Felt taken care off and understood” and “very empathetic”. “Calm and very constructive approach.” “Managed the process actively and helped finding a settlement within hours – after alengthy nerve-wracking negotiation.” Languages German, English Overview Corina has a legal background and worked as a legal assistant and attorney before she decided … Continued

  • Martin Brink image

    Martin Brink

    Netherlands | Attorney & Neutral

    Client Feedback: “Martin got us talking again, this virtually saved our company.” – Eduard Zanen, Bugaboo International Languages Dutch, English Overview Martin has over the past 20 years developed a mediation practice in corporate and finance, mediating many disputes within and between companies, e.g. management and board disputes, joint venture conflicts, issues about warranties in … Continued

  • Birgit Broedermann

    Trainer, Facilitator & Mediator

    Languages German, English Overview Birgit is an experienced and highly competent conflict management trainer, facilitator and mediator with strong communication skills and a high level of empathy allowing her corporate clients to feel more comfortable and less stressed during the entire mediation process. She always keeps the settlement goal in view, while helping the parties … Continued

  • Claudia Caluori image

    Claudia Caluori


    Client feedback: “Claudia Caluori has conciliation abilities supported by excellent listening skills”. Languages English, Italian Overview Claudia is strongly dedicated to the management and resolution of conflicts. She is trained and accredited as a mediator in Italy, Lebanon and France and is a trainer for several mediation training providers. She is also a Rotary Peace … Continued

  • Gillian Caroe

    Mediator & CEDR Faculty

    Client Feedback “Gillian has a natural ease and confidence in the role of the mediator and superb communication skills.”  Languages English, Italian Overview Gillian Caroe has been a practising mediator since 2004 (CEDR accredited 2005). Throughout her mediation career, she has been involved in hundreds of successful interventions. She has mediated disputes across a wide … Continued

  • Eileen Carroll KC (Hon)

    Principal Mediator and Co-Founder

    Client Feedback “She settled the unsettleable” “She led the most effective opening session I have ever seen.” “She has a very unique, dynamic and proactive approach to mediation” Languages English Overview Eileen started her career in the international chemical industry before becoming a partner in the city law firm Turner Kenneth Brown (now CMS) where … Continued

  • Ursula Caser image

    Ursula Caser


    Client feedback: “Ursula has been very efficient in helping us to really go over all the details that have added to our mutual misunderstandings. I understood that we had two different stories, two different truths, and that we would not have had a chance to clarify who was “right” or “wrong”! Undoubtedly, we would never … Continued

  • Soriana Constantinescu image

    Soriana Constantinescu


    Client feedback: ‘’Soriana is the best mediator I know. Both me and my team learned a quite a few relevant points from her about solving issues and correctly evaluating the dynamics of divergence. Clearly, this area of mediation is to reshape the way organizations mitigate risk and solve matters…..!’’ Languages Romanian, English Overview Experience of … Continued

  • Helena De Backer image

    Helena De Backer

    Attorney & Commercial Mediator

    Languages Dutch, Flemmish, French, English Overview Helena De Backer is a practising Attorney and founder of DS De Backer and Bastin in Brussels, Belgium.  She has over 40 years’ experience as an arbitrator and lawyer and has been a commercial mediator since 1999.  She works on cross-border contract negotiation mostly related to mergers & acquisitions, … Continued

  • Hugues De Roquette Buisson image

    Hugues De Roquette Buisson


    Client feedback: “The mediator has acted with high professionalism with a positive and constructive attitude, opening future perspectives.” Languages English, French, Spanish Overview Economist, MBA, Bank and insurance top management, Hugues has acted as a mediator for over ten years internationally and focuses today on mediation practice and teaching mediation and Negotiation Professional background Financial … Continued

  • Mario Dotti image

    Mario Dotti


    Client feedback: “Mario Dotti is an excellent mediator. His ability to solve complicated cases is matched only by his courtesy and class”. Languages English, Italian Overview Mario is a full-time mediator and neutral, and began mediating in 2003. He specialises as a Commercial mediator, family mediator, Collaborative Practice professional, group facilitator, and arbitrator. Mario is … Continued

  • Victor Durlesteanu image

    Victor Durlesteanu

    Neutral & Barrister

    Client Feedback: “He understands his role but he is taking the initiative to handle the process when the parties are loosing the control about the items of the agenda.” Languages English, Russian, Romanian  Overview Frequently Victor handles cases when the producers of products delivered the goods abroad and the buyers use to generate gaps in … Continued

  • Thomas Gaultier image

    Thomas Gaultier


    Client feedback: “With Thomas as a mediator, I was able to find, all in one, a professional with the characteristics I was looking for, integrity, assertiveness and curiosity.” Languages English, French, Portuguese Overview Thomas is a New York qualified attorney and counsellor-at-law, currently Of Counsel at Abreu Advogados in Lisbon. He is a graduate from … Continued

  • Neil Goodrum


    Client Feedback “He got to the nub of the issues very quickly and painlessly”  Languages English Overview Neil Goodrum is a full time mediator, CMC Fellow and member of CEDR’s Chambers panel of mediators. He has extensive experience in mediating disputes in many different industries with amounts in dispute ranging from relatively modest sums to … Continued

  • Anne Karin Grill Image

    Anne-Karin Grill

    Attorney-at-Law, Arbitrator and Mediator

    Client feedback: “Anne-Karin is a great observer, and able to cut straight to the heart of any dispute. When it comes to the effective management of dispute resolution processes, she is most resourceful. She is a skilled international commercial mediator.” Languages German, English Overview Anne-Karin teaches mediation at the University of Vienna’s Faculty of Law … Continued

  • William Ingram Hill

    William Ingram Hill

    Commercial Mediator

    CEDR Accreditation: 2016 CEDR Panel Admission: 2020 Languages: English Location: United Kingdom Client Feedback  “His calm, rational and approachable manner allows him to disarm those in conflict and assist with reaching a swift and practical resolution.  His reputation for success is based on his genuine desire to solve any problem.”  Lawyer Feedback Overview William draws … Continued

  • Karolina Jackowicz image

    Karolina Jackowicz


    Client feedback: “Karolina walked us through a difficult business dispute to a settlement taking into consideration our personal needs. It was far from easy but ultimately worth it – largely thanks to Karolina’s guidance.” Languages Polish, English Overview Karolina Jackowicz is a mediator focused on helping entrepreneurs (especially start-ups and small & medium enterprises – … Continued

  • Amrik Kandola Image

    Amrik Kandola

    Commercial Mediator

    Client Feedback “Your approach was exactly what was required. You had a real understanding of the case and the drivers for settlement. Given the personalities involved, it was hard work, but you kept the mediation process moving forward and we got the deal done – thank you” – Partner, Law Firm Languages English Overview Amrik … Continued

  • Profile of Austin Kenny

    Austin Kenny

    Republic of Ireland | Full Time Mediator, Accountant

    Client Feedback: “We were very pleased with the cool professionalism that Austin brought to this emotionally charged and bitter disagreement.”   Overview An independent mediator and business consultant with a strong accountancy and business background, Austin is also chairman and non-executive director of three companies. Austin also has experience in the property, manufacturing and retail … Continued

  • Dumitru Lefter image

    Dumitru Lefter


    Client feedback: ‘’After the mediation process I was a part of, I believe that the Mediator and mediation process is indispensable for the parties to the conflict, even I, a sceptical person, was amazed by Mr Lefter’s mediation skills.’’ Languages Romanian, Russian, English Overview As leader of the Mediator Centre of the Chamber of Commerce … Continued

  • Mandy Lenton Image

    Mandy Lenton


    Client Feedback “absolutely fantastic from start to finish. [Mandy] is a top-class communicator, a brilliant thinker, and really puts all the clients at ease – very impressive” – Legal 500 2023 Overview Mandy is an experienced mediator with a busy practice. Highly regarded by leading barristers and solicitors, mediation participants frequently remark on her energy, … Continued

  • Ralf Lindback image

    Ralf Lindback


    Client feedback: “… I have been especially impressed with Mr. Lindbäck’s skill in appreciating both the intellectual challenge and the practical need to achieve a result.  …” Languages Finnish, Swedish, English Overview Since graduating from the University of Helsinki in Finland with a master’s degree in Law, Ralf Lindbäck has successfully followed a career specializing … Continued

  • Viktoria Liouta image

    Viktoria Liouta


    Client feedback: “The mediator conducted the meetings with maturity, logic, process awareness and perseverance and guided us in finding solution to our problem. The mediator had a remarkable patience, respect and skill in helping us to investigate and consider every possibility and work together with other party to resolve long lasted issues. Our minds changed … Continued

  • Joost Maassen image

    Joost Maassen


    Client feedback: “Thanks again for today. I was and am impressed”.  (App message from counsel of the requesting party after recently concluding a one-day mediation between Swiss and Dutch parties over claims and counter claims pertaining to registered moveable property amounting to € 1,5 million and € 6 million, against the background of pending (summary) … Continued

  • Gill Mansfield Image

    Gill Mansfield

    Commercial Mediator

    Client Feedback “This was little short of a masterclass in how an effective mediation session should be conducted… I would have no hesitation in highly recommending Gill as a very effective, professional and personable mediator.” Overview Gill Mansfield is a full-time commercial mediator. She has over 25 years’ experience of negotiating deals and successfully dealing … Continued

  • Corrado Mora Image

    Corrado Mora


    Languages Italian, English Overview Corrado’s practice contains well over 1,200 cases many of which concern matters including property, delicate and complex contract disputes, highly valued international commercial disputes involving top-rank businesses, clinical/medical malpractice, IP, technology, defamation, among the others. Most cases he helped his clients to settle involve difficult negotiations, a plurality of stakes, multi-party … Continued

  • Joachim Muller profile

    Joachim Müller

    Trainer, Facilitator, Mediator & Conciliator

    Languages English, French Overview Joachim is an experienced conflict management trainer, facilitator and mediator. His mediation practice contains a variety of cases, many of which concern unrepresented parties in dispute with a business or service provider. Joachim has studied mediation at masters’ level in all its applications, ranging from workplace conflicts to international commercial disputes, … Continued

  • Ildiko Muranyi image

    Ildikó Murányi


    Languages Hungarian Overview Dr. Ildikó Murányi is a Mediator, Business Coach, Lawyer and business consultant. Mediation is a wonderful way for Ildikó to help people improve their relationships and communication so that they can work together to find their own solutions to their problems and disputes. Her mission is promoting mediation in Hungary. She is … Continued

  • Gert Nilsson image

    Gert Nilsson Eldrimner

    Commercial Lawyer & Mediator

    Client Feedback: “If Gert cannot manage it, nobody can.” Languages English, French, Swedish Gert Nilsson Eldrimner is a commercial lawyer since 1991, based in Stockholm, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark. He has litigated a large number of commercial disputes and also been involved in arbitration, both as a party representative and arbitrator. Since his CEDR accreditation … Continued

  • Ilona Nurmela image

    Ilona Nurmela


    Client feedback: “Ilona helped me with a difficult mediation regarding an employment issue. She was calm, professional, approachable, systematic and focused on solving the differences between the parties. She has a talent of getting opposite sides to open up about the real issues behind the dispute and finding a common ground needed for the mutually … Continued

  • Nick Pearson


    Client Feedback “His interventions were always to the point and I felt that the parties recognised and valued his obvious experience.” – Mediation Feedback Languages English  Overview Nick Pearson practiced as a solicitor in the UK and internationally for over 30 years in the dispute resolution field including a significant period based in Hong Kong. Since … Continued

  • Iris Pensa image

    Iris Pensa


    Languages English, Slovenian Overview Iris practices facilitative mediation. In her opinion the main advantage of mediation is that the parties themselves can decide on the matter and on the resolution of dispute. Thus, Iris mainly engages parties in conversation to understand their interests and point of view. Iris also strongly believes that as life is … Continued

  • Eve Pienaar


    Client Feedback “Excels on the commercial mediation stage and is commended for her great talent in de-escalating tension and refocusing the parties on the matter at hand”. Languages English, French, Spanish Overview Eve is a highly regarded commercial mediator, working across a range of commercial sectors including property and construction, professional negligence, shareholder disputes and … Continued

  • Katarzyna Przyłuska Ciszewska image

    Katarzyna Przyłuska-Ciszewska


    Client feedback: “Very compassionate lawyer -mediator.  I felt fully heard and professionally served. She is very good at seeing the bigger picture”. Languages English, Polish, Italian Overview She is an ADR Neutral specialized in dispute prevention and resolution processes, as well as an independent lawyer specialised in property, construction and investment law.  She is a … Continued

  • Camilla Rauma Sehm image

    Camilla Rauma-Sehm


    Client feedback: “Thank you for a good mediation. This was the first time for me as a party in a mediation. It was a good experience, mostly because of Camilla’s personality, her way to mediate and her mediation skills that lead us to an agreement.” Languages Swedish, Finnish, English, French Overview Camilla Rauma-Sehm is a … Continued

  • Anna Saczuk image

    Anna Saczuk


    Client feedback: “I regret not having met Anna a couple of years ago. My business would have been in an entirely different place now.” Languages English, Polish (mother tongue), French, Spanish, Italian. Overview Anna is an active mediator, negotiator and facilitator with wide experience of the Polish and international market & business environment with areas … Continued

  • Birgit Sambeth

    Law Firm Partner & Mediator

    Languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Overview Since 1997, working mostly in mediation and participation in numerous national and international mediations as single mediator and co-mediator as well as counsel to parties in mediation, notably in complex multiparty International commercial cases (SPA, trading, contacts, etc.), joint-ventures, liquidation of commercial enterprises, construction issues, financial disputes, IP … Continued

  • Susanne Schuler

    Director of Training and Consultancy, Senior Consultant & Mediator

    Client Feedback “Susanne’s professional skills are head and shoulders above other practitioners. I was impressed by her astute communications skills and her levels of cross-cultural awareness. I would recommend Susanne to those seeking an extraordinary professional who will deliver something powerful and resolve complex issues whilst respecting relationships.” – Client Feedback Languages English, French, German, … Continued

  • Srdan Simac image

    Srdan Simac

    Judge, Mediator & Arbitrator

    Client Feedback: “… It was a pleasure to meet a person of such high profile and I think you played a decisive role in the success of the mediation. Your kind presence has meant that all of us we felt more comfortable and closer to understanding each other’s reasons…” Languages English, Croatian  Overview Srdan has facilitative … Continued

  • Tania Songini image

    Tania Songini


    Client feedback: “Tania has an open, consultative style. She succeeds in motivating and fostering a high degree of cooperation. She is an inspiring and effective communicator able to build consensus and motivate across cultures at all levels, helped by having lived in a number of countries and fluently speaking six languages” Languages English, Italian, German, … Continued

  • James South

    Chief Executive, Senior Consultant & Mediator

    Client Feedback “The clients were quite demanding and difficult, and he got the measure of them very quickly. He was very good at managing the clients, keeping them in check and built up a good rapport.” Languages English, Spanish Overview James South is CEDR’s Chief Executive, lead trainer of CEDR Mediator Training Faculty and one … Continued

  • Martin Svatos image

    Martin Stavos


    Client feedback: “We have been engaged in a construction dispute for years and spent a lot of countless and unproductive hours in courtrooms. Thanks to the work of Martin Svatoš, we were able to find a solution in mediation. It was, however, not an easy task. Martin was tireless, active and still in  a good … Continued

  • Eweline Stobiecka

    Ewelina Stobiecka


    Languages English, Polish Overview Ewelina Stobiecka is the Head of the Warsaw office of Taylor Wessing. She is also a certified commercial mediator in Poland and Germany, a mediator for DE International in Ukraine and the founder of the International Mediation Centre (IMC) in Poland’s international Chambers of Commerce. Ewelina specialises in dispute resolution. She … Continued

  • Kelly Stricklin-Coutinho profile

    Kelly Stricklin-Coutinho


    Languages English, Polish Overview Ewelina Stobiecka is the Head of the Warsaw office of Taylor Wessing. She is also a certified commercial mediator in Poland and Germany, a mediator for DE International in Ukraine and the founder of the International Mediation Centre (IMC) in Poland’s international Chambers of Commerce. Ewelina specialises in dispute resolution. She … Continued

  • Joe Tirado Image

    Joseph Tirado

    Solicitor & Arbitrator

    Client Feedback “Joe did an excellent job.  He was professional, enthusiastic and detail-oriented throughout the process. My client had never mediated before in any venue, and was impressed with Joe’s management of the proceeding, including the pre-mediation communications and the mediation itself. I would certainly recommend Joe to other litigants, and would use him again … Continued

  • Agne Tvaronaviciene image

    Agne Tvaronaviciene


    Languages English, Lithuanian Overview Dr. Tvaronavičienė has 10 years of experience in utilities sector (namely the post services) and public procurement disputes, which remain as central areas of interest to this day. Having gained 6 years of experience as a Chair of Lithuanian Court of Arbitration, Prof. Dr. Tvaronavičienė developed expertise in solving commercial disputes … Continued

  • Maite Uson image

    Maite Uson


    Client feedback: “As the owner of a business, located in a central commercial street, I participated in a complex mediation process regarding the renewal of the lease. The experience did not end in an agreement, but both the organisation of the sessions, their content and the conduct of them by the mediator helped us to … Continued

  • CEDR Mediator & Trainer, Wolf Von Kumberg

    Wolf Von Kumberg

    Arbitrator, Mediator

    Client Feedback “Well placed to understand the needs of business people.”   Languages English, German & Italian Overview Wolf is a leading internationally recognised independent arbitrator and mediator practising globally out of London, Washington D.C and Abu Dhabi. He has a broad range of experience in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and conflict management. He has been … Continued

  • Mladen Vukmir

    Mladin Vukmir


    Client feedback: “[Mr Vukmir] created an atmosphere during the mediations that invite[s] the parties to cooperate. He seemed very pro active in offering ideas for alternative solutions”. Languages Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin, Bosnian, Italian, English Overview Mladen Vukmir has over twenty years of mediation experience as a mediator, a CEDR trained trainer of mediators and a … Continued

  • Mikael Wahlgren image

    Mikael Wahlgren


    Client feedback: “Mikael Wahlgren has, in co-partnership with United States Magistrate Judge James E. Gates, acted in the US as a Special Master under the authorization of the US Federal Court in a mediation between a US and English company in April 2019.” – Judge James E. Gates of the US Federal Court Languages Swedish, … Continued

  • Klaus Olaf Zehle image

    Klaus-Olaf Zehle


    Languages German, English Overview Klaus-Olaf zehle is working as a mediator since 2005, during which time he has conducted more than 150 mediations. Also he has conducted 30 large conflict moderations since 2004. His mediation areas are conflicts between stakeholders in large companies or family owned enterprises i.e, shareholders, unions, employees – conflicts in StartUp … Continued

  • Laima Zelmene image

    Laima Zelmene


    Client feedback: “Laima helped me to see and understand what the other party really needed. And, most importantly, to see and understand what I really need myself”. Languages Latvian, Russian Overview Laima Ārija Zelmene is a lawyer for 25 years and a mediator for 15 years. She is recognised as one of the beginners of … Continued

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