James South, Managing Director & Mediator, CEDR

Jan O'Neill, Professional Support Lawyer, Commercial Disputes at Herbert Smith Freehills, London

Ben Thomson, Content Strategist, CEDR
On 12 September 2020, the Singapore Convention on Mediation enters into force. To discuss this landmark moment for Mediation, we spoke to two leading ADR experts:
– Jan O’Neill (Professional Support Lawyer, Commercial Disputes at Herbert Smith Freehills, London)and,
– James South (Mediator & Managing Director, CEDR)
In this podcast, we discuss the state of play of the Convention to date looking at some of the notable signatories and absentees. Additionally, we explore some of the important practical considerations for lawyers and users of mediation that often goes overlooked and how to manage these. Finally, we look at the impact of the Convention on the global Dispute Resolution landscape alongside new frontiers for mediation around the world.
Herbert Smith Freehills commentary on the Singapore Convention can be found here – hsfnotes.com/adr/
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