CEDR provides ADR resources free to download for our clients including Lawyers, Litigants in Person, and Mediators.
Resources for Lawyers
Guidelines for In-Person Mediations
Guidelines for In-Person Mediations
These guidelines are designed by CEDR to assist mediators and parties to conduct in-person mediations safely whilst Covid-19 is still a significant risk.
Client Guide to Online Mediation
Client Guide to Online Mediation
Guide to Online Mediation for Barristers, Solicitors and Clients
Best Practise Guides: Getting the Best from a Mediation
Best Practise Guides: Getting the Best from a Mediation
The following advice for lawyers has been put together from the perspective of CEDR mediators, many of whom are experienced litigators.
Best Practice Guide: Referring a case to CEDR
Best Practice Guide: Referring a case to CEDR
If you have a dispute which you think might be resolved by mediation or other form of assisted dispute resolution, please contact us.
Best Practice Guides: What to Expect in a Mediation
Best Practice Guides: What to Expect in a Mediation
Practical advice on what to expect from your mediation
Best Practice Guide: When is it Reasonable to Refuse a Mediation?
Best Practice Guide: When is it Reasonable to Refuse a Mediation?
Advice on when it is reasonable to refuse mediation
Model ADR Document, Contracts & Clauses
Resources for Mediators
Guidelines for In-Person Mediations
Guidelines for In-Person Mediations
These guidelines are designed by CEDR to assist mediators and parties to conduct in-person mediations safely whilst Covid-19 is still a significant risk.
Mediator Guide to Online Mediation
Mediator Guide to Online Mediation
A guide on how to conduct online mediations using a video conferencing service provider
Mediator Guide to using Zoom
Mediator Guide to using Zoom
A guide on using Zoom to conduct a two-party commercial mediation
Model ADR Document, Contracts & Clauses
Resources for Litigants in Person
5 Steps to Mediation
5 Steps to Mediation
Guidelines for In-Person Mediations
Guidelines for In-Person Mediations
These guidelines are designed by CEDR to assist mediators and parties to conduct in-person mediations safely whilst Covid-19 is still a significant risk.
Client Guide to Online Mediation
Client Guide to Online Mediation
Guide to Online Mediation for Barristers, Solicitors and Clients
Attending Mediations without Representation
Attending Mediations without Representation
Guidelines for attending mediations without legal representation
Best Practice Guides: What to Expect in a Mediation
Best Practice Guides: What to Expect in a Mediation
Practical advice on what to expect from your mediation
Best Practice Guide: Referring a case to CEDR
Best Practice Guide: Referring a case to CEDR
If you have a dispute which you think might be resolved by mediation or other form of assisted dispute resolution, please contact us.
Best Practice Guide: When is it Reasonable to Refuse a Mediation?
Best Practice Guide: When is it Reasonable to Refuse a Mediation?
Advice on when it is reasonable to refuse mediation