Vulnerability & Reasonable Adjustments

Meeting the needs of customers when they are vulnerable.

CEDR takes customer care very seriously. We recognise that many of those turning to us for help will have been through very difficult experiences and we will do our best to take account of this in everything we do.

To ensure that CEDR can reach fair and reasonable outcomes in every case, it is vital that we deliver a flexible service that meets the needs of all customers, whatever their personal circumstances.

What do we mean by vulnerability:

A vulnerable customer is someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to harm. Anyone can become vulnerable at any time, and this can be temporary or permanent, short-term or long-term. CEDR understands that vulnerability can come about for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Ill health, whether this is physical or mental;
  • disability;
  • financial troubles;
  • significant personal experience, such as bereavement;
  • communication difficulties;
  • difficulty using IT.

These are just examples: every customer is unique and will be treated as an individual.

Reasonable Adjustments:

Some examples of adjustments that we can make, include:

  • Providing information in alternative formats such as large print, coloured paper, braille etc
  • Providing additional time to provide information and responses
  • Communicating via the customer’s preferred method e.g. telephone, email or post
  • Communicating via the customer’s approved third-party
  • Completing the application on the customer’s behalf over the telephone
  • Providing a single point of contact to support you through the process

CEDR is committed to making sure that customers needing additional support aren’t disadvantaged in accessing our services. Our Reasonable Adjustment Policy  explains more about what we can do.

We want you to know that any information you provide to us is treated with care and kept strictly confidential in line with our privacy policy .


We are here to support you.

We welcome your feedback on how we are supporting customers with vulnerability.  Please let us know if you encounter barriers or require further support:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 0207 520 3800
  • Postal Address: CEDR Services Limited, 100 St Paul’s Churchyard, London, EC4M 8BU

We will try to provide an initial response to feedback within one working day.